Watch these surfers ride gnarly waves at the South Mission Jetty inlet


This video features surfers riding in South Mission Beach on the other side of the jetty channel where the boats come in and out of the ocean.  Once every few years the conditions line up just right to produce surf able waves near the jetty rocks.  It is sketchy and dangerous and these local surfers take it on.

Watch these surfers ride gnarly waves at the South Mission Jetty inlet


  1. Does anyone remember January 26th 1983 today Crystal Pier broke down to South Mission Jetty there’s a bunch of guys hanging out at the bathroom one Surfer went out there and went out to the end of the Jetties jumped in 12 to 15 ft wave caught a late drop-in made a bottom turn this down a minute bailed out of the clothes out wrote it in to shore at 1 if anybody remembers that I was 23 back then

  2. Hello Mission Beach,

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    Thank you for your consideration,

    -Roger Raffee
    (How To Surf – From Beginner To Great Surfer in Just Three Weeks!)

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