Mission Beach Organizes Public Protest against Scooter Proliferation



Scooter Protest Local News Coverage in San Diego
April 20th, 2019

Teen injured in e-scooter accident hours after e-scooter protest

San Diegans Protest Over Electric Scooters

Dozens of Mission Beach residents protest electric scooters on sidewalks and boardwalk

Original Post:

Mission Beach Town Council
Organizes Public Protest against Scooter Proliferation

SATURDAY, APRIL 20th 2019 at 9am
Ventura Court on the Boardwalk next to Hamel’s

Join us this Saturday at 9am at the foot of Ventura Court, right at the boardwalk and next to Hamel’s. We will be protesting the tremendous influx of motorized vehicles – including escooters, wheel and jump bikes – on our boardwalks as many of us no longer feel safe. Injuries have increased greatly, sadly, and many examples are very well known. Below is a link to a Youtube video showcasing just a few examples of the many injuries and crashes taking place. Companies like Bird, Lime, Lyft and Uber are all responsible and must be regulated in order for pedestrians to feel safe on our publics streets again. 

The MBTC Voted Resolution on Scooters

Below is the resolution passed by the Mission Beach town Council on Motorized escooter dockless vehicles on our boardwalks. The vast majority of members have voted that they need to be banned from our ocean and bay boardwalks. A full text of the resolution can be found here: 

Electric Scooter Resolution

The Mission Beach Town Council board majority recognizes the safety issues with the recent influx of electric scooters and we urge the city of San Diego to make the following regulations when forming and implementing the city’s permitting program for dockless vehicles:

1. That motorized vehicles of any kind be completely and immediately banned from the Ocean Front Walk path and Bayside Walk path, with the exception of ADA approved devices. For enforcement of this rule we recommend requiring dockless electric scooter companies program their devices to power down to zero when on the boardwalks using geofencing technology while also the city to begin impounding electric scooters that are left on the boardwalk or otherwise violate this ban.

2. The specific number of scooters be greatly limited in the Mission Beach area and that any electric scooters above the limits would be impounded. Regulations should include real time GPS location data available to the proper city enforcement departments to regulate and enforce the inventory. TheMission Beach Town Council will also begin posting electric scooter relevant safety information, statistical data, injury reports, and regulation contact information on our website and may advertise this information through various communication channels.Until the new regulations take effect we urge the city to completely and immediately ban the use of electric scooters from the OceanFront Walk path and Bayside Walk path.

We hope to see you at the protest this Saturday

Matthew Gardner
Mission Beach Town Council: President


Read more about scooters on the boardwalk…

Escooter riders causing accidents, injuries in San Diego

City of San Diego Proposes to Ban Scooters on the BoardWalk

Bird and Lime Scooters on the BoardWalk, Electric scooter rental service