Home Evidence of Partying Mission Beach Town Council makes party noise a high priority goal in...

Mission Beach Town Council makes party noise a high priority goal in 2015



July 2015

USD Students submitted Student Behavior Mitigation Plan that lacks any real consequences.

Mission Beach Town Council: Vice – President ’ s report: Gary Wonacott reported Progress on the Party Noise and Mitigation Plan. As previously mentioned there was a meeting with USD administrators , police officers, MB residents and students. The students sent us a Student Behavior Mitigation Plan and we responded and said that there were three things that were missing:  1. No goal was stated. (Our expectation is: zero tolerance, police should not receive one complaint call regarding party noise.) 2. There was insufficient accountability. (A meeting is planned this summer with administrators regarding how we can increase accountability. The administration has to do a better job of getting student addresses so that when we identify an address USD know who lives at that address.) 3. There were no consequences listed. (Our plan is to meet with students before the beginning of the year and invite the SDPD to participate in the meeting and lay the groundwork of what could be the consequences for their misbehavior.)


June 2015

The Mission Beach Town Council has decided that tracking party noise and excessive party houses is a top priority in 2015.

Residents are encouraged to report incidents on the town council website in a hope to build a database of common violators.

Mission Beach Residents are committed to zero tolerance on excessive noise.

From the president of Mission Beaech Town Council:  “ZERO TOLERANCE FOR EXCESSIVE PARTY NOISE! You can help us identify party houses in MB. You can document these incidents at the new MBTC Website, www.missionbeachtc.com. Tell your neighbors and friends so we can build a comprehensive database identifying irresponsible owners, rental agencies, and fraternal organizations. This is a high priority goal of the MBTC.”

Report excessive party noise in Mission Beach

Party noise brought to attention of USD officials

Residents of Mission Beach were relentless about reporting party noise in the 2014-2015 school semesters and their efforts are paying off.  The town council May meeting minutes report stated that Vice president “Gary met with USD student liaisons, school administrators and police with respect to the noise and party issues. The students provided a written mitigation plan. The plan is a work in progress.”


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